Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: The Power of Agile Project Management and Micro-credentials pmp exam skillsgap upskill May 10, 2023

In today's fast-paced digital world, the skills gap has become a pressing concern for both job seekers and employers. Traditional educational pathways often struggle to keep pace with the demand for specialized skills, leaving many job seekers ill-equipped for in-demand digital roles....

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The Journey to PMP Success: Real-Life Stories of Students Who Passed the Exam pmp coaching pmp exam procrastination Apr 22, 2023

Achieving the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification can be a significant milestone in a project manager's career. The journey to obtaining this prestigious certification can be challenging, but with the right guidance and support, it is achievable. In this blog post, I’ll...

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From Waterfall to Agile: A Comprehensive Overview for PMP Exam Preparation acp agile pmp coaching pmp exam Mar 08, 2023

Agile Project Management originated from the Agile Manifesto that was developed in February 2001. The manifesto was developed by a group of software developers who came together to find a more efficient alternative to documentation-driven, heavyweight software development processes. The Agile...

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Do I still need to memorize ITTOs on the PMP Exam? acp itto pmp pmp exam Nov 03, 2021

I've noticed that 3 students that I've been working with recently, even though they appeared ‘ready’ to take the PMP exam, still seemed hesitant to schedule the actual exam date. In collaborating with them in the coaching sessions I came to realize the thing that was holding them back...

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Should I take the PMP or the ACP Exam? acp pmp exam Oct 25, 2021

A question that I've been getting asked a lot recently is “Dan what should I do the PMP exam – or --the ACP exam? So right away this brings up a lot of questions and comparisons about the two certifications especially because the (PMP® exam) recently underwent a major change as of...

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My PMPĀ® Journey: Francis A pmp exam testimonial Jul 29, 2018

My PMP journey started on August 2015 when I signed up for my PMI membership. I became interested to become a Certified Project Manager after working on multiple projects. I knew getting certified will validate my experience and knowledge in Project management

For my preparation, I used several...

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PMPĀ® Essay 1 ā€“ EEFs versus OPAs eefs opas pmp exam Jul 27, 2018

If you are preparing for the PMP Exam version 6 you will most certainly come across the subject of Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEFs) and Organizational Process Assets (OPAs). These two items fall within the category of ITTOs, which stands for Inputs, Outputs, Tools and Techniques. Currently...

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The components of a project management plan pmp exam project plan Jul 18, 2018

One of the things that seems to confuse the heck out of my students is understanding how the project management plan is assembled and what are all of the components that are included. 

Most people know that the project plan is comprised of subsidiary plans, but they don’t really know...

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My PMP Journey - Tim K pmp coaching pmp exam pmp journey testimonial Feb 22, 2018

I decided that after many years of running projects, I was going to become PMP certified. My belief was that with all of my experience, achieving certification would be a relatively easy endeavor. Wrong!! Attending my PMP prep class, I quickly realized that my plan to utilize my previous job...

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