PMBOKĀ® Guide 6th Edition vs PMBOKĀ® Guide 5th Edition: What has Changed in the PMPĀ® Exam? Jun 09, 2017

The Project Management Institute performs a role delineation study every five to seven years. The study focuses on what a project manager does day-to-day and relates this to the qualification. The recent RDS has revealed that the role of a project manager has slightly changed and so, the PMI®...

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The experienced PM meets the PMPĀ® pmiĀ® pmpĀ® coach pmpĀ® credential pmpĀ® exam pmpĀ® training pmpĀ® tutor Jun 09, 2017

In the years that I have been helping people pass the PMP® exam, I have come across a small number of seasoned Project Managers that were unable to pass the exam. More often than not, these people were either referred to me or reached out to me because they had recently failed the PMP®...

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The 5 Things that an organization gains when they hire a PMPĀ® certified Project Manager Jun 09, 2017

The Project Management Professional (PMP®) exam provides the successful candidate with a very valuable certificate stating they are PMP® certified – oh – any they also get a lapel pin from PMI®. Those are the two tangible things that the successful PMP® aspirant gets...

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